Provider Search Results

Last Update :

Jul 30 2024 11:08 AM
Total 2492 provider(s) found!
# Name Specialty Address City Zip Phone NPI # Gender Action
2130 Cedar HouseINTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITY6384 N 10Th StFresno93710(559)322-93051598972622 Direction | Export
2131 Central Orthotic and ProstheticORTHOTICS/PROSTHETICS2039 North Fine AvenueFresno93727(559)251-55571558559484 Direction | Export
2132 Claremy HouseINTERMEDIATE CARE FACILITY5288 W Ramona AveFresno93722(559)301-08571942527023 Direction | Export
2133 Community Home CareHOME HEALTH1630 E Shaw Ave Ste 154Fresno93710(559)724-41901588745137 Direction | Export
2134 Compassionate Care Home Health AgencyHOME HEALTH7545 N Del Mar Ave Ste 103Fresno93711(559)432-20031609826387 Direction | Export
2135 Cranial Technologies IncORTHOTICS/PROSTHETICS30 E River Park Pl W Ste 280Fresno93720(559)753-70361376183848 Direction | Export
2136 Dutchess of DoulaDOULA SERVICES2405 Tulare St Ste 249Fresno93721(760)590-41741982199592 Direction | Export
2137 Dynamic Kids& Inc.OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY1360 e spruce ave ste 106Fresno93720(559)433-47001124239363 Direction | Export
2138 Family Planning Associates - FresnoFAMILY PLANNING165 North Clark StreetFresno93701(559)233-86571992899769 Direction | Export
2139 Focus Health - FresnoHOME HEALTH377 W FALLBROOK AVE STE 101Fresno93711(559)432-22571184896193 Direction | Export

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