Provider Search Results

Last Update :

Jul 30 2024 11:08 AM
Total 2492 provider(s) found!
# Name Specialty Address City Zip Phone NPI # Gender Action
2260 BMA OF CENTRAL VALLEY RURAL DIALYSISDIALYSIS FACILITY810 E Manning AveReedley93654(559)637-16761316359367 Direction | Export
2261 Sanger Medical SuppliesDURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT1348 Seventh StSanger93657(559)876-25511790860385 Direction | Export
2262 Sanger Sequoia DialysisDIALYSIS FACILITY2517 Jensen Ave Bldg BSanger93657(559)876-38521083840896 Direction | Export
2263 Selma DialysisDIALYSIS FACILITY2711 Cinema Way& Suite 111Selma93662(559)891-27501295700219 Direction | Export
2264 Chowchilla Memorial Healthcare DistrictSkilled Nursing1104 Ventura AveChowchilla93610(559)665-37811104990688 Direction | Export
2265 Palms Cere CenterSkilled Nursing1010 Ventura AveChowchilla93610(559)665-48261942868021 Direction | Export
2266 Dycora Transitional Health - Clovis LLCSkilled Nursing111 Barstow AveClovis93612(559)299-25911508318700 Direction | Export
2267 Willow Creek Healthcare CenterSkilled Nursing650 W Alluvial AveClovis93611(559)323-62001174188270 Direction | Export
2268 Coalinga Medical Center& LLC. Skilled Nursing Facility/Long TerSkilled Nursing1191 Phelps AveCoalinga93210(559)821-61001083387682 Direction | Export
2269 Dinuba HealthcareSkilled Nursing1730 S College AveDinuba93618(559)591-33001356746606 Direction | Export

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