Provider Search Results

Last Update :

Jul 30 2024 11:08 AM
Total 2492 provider(s) found!
# Name Specialty Address City Zip Phone NPI # Gender Action
2380 UPN - UNITED HEALTH CENTERS - BLACKSTONEClinic1110 N Blackstone AveFresno93701(559)646-66181679198279 Direction | Export
2381 UPN - UNITED HEALTH CENTERS - BULLARDClinic1780 E Bullard AvenueFresno93710(800)492-42271265087316 Direction | Export
2382 UPN - UNITED HEALTH CENTERS - CHURCHClinic5090 E Church AveFresno93725(800)492-42271548918600 Direction | Export
2383 UPN - UNITED HEALTH CENTERS - MILBURNClinic6810 N Milburn AvenueFresno93722(559)646-66181780220822 Direction | Export
2384 UPN - UNITED HEALTH CENTERS - MINNEWAWAClinic645 S Minnewawa AveFresno93727(559)646-66181336804939 Direction | Export
2385 UPN - UNITED HEALTH CENTERS - TUOLUMNEClinic2630 Tuolumne StFresno93721(559)646-66181457974206 Direction | Export
2386 VALLEY HEALTH TEAM-CENTRAL FRESNO COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER-CalVivaClinic4711 W. Ashlan AveFresno93722(559)203-66601992183669 Direction | Export
2387 ADVENTIST HEALTH -HANFORDClinic1025 N Douty StHanford93230(559)537-01701417930892 Direction | Export
2388 ADVENTIST HEALTH -HOME GARDENClinic11899 Shaw PlHanford93230(559)537-01921467678342 Direction | Export
2389 ARIA COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER - HANFORDClinic329 W 8th St Ste 109Hanford93230(559)582-25001356860852 Direction | Export

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